
Chiropractic treatment involves analyzing the movable joints in the body and where appropriate, restoring their ability to move as designed to move. This allows the body to move and function more freely and assists your body in healing itself. This may involve manual adjustments, Physical Therapy, and/or Massage Therapy The Virginia Chiropractic Scope of Practice states that Chiropractic is ... Read More

Chiropractic treatment involves analyzing the movable joints in the body and where appropriate, restoring their ability to move as designed to move. This allows the body to move and function more freely and assists your body in healing itself. This may involve manual adjustments, Physical Therapy, and/or Massage Therapy

The Virginia Chiropractic Scope of Practice states that Chiropractic is “removing nerve stress via adjustment of the 24 movable vertebrae of the spinal column and assisting the patient’s body in normalizing the transmission of nerve energy. This is all done without the use of surgery, obstetrics, osteopathy, nor the administration of any drugs, medicines, serums or vaccines.”

Dr. Capri is quickly becoming known as “The Pain Killer” around Richmond, VA.

Dr. Capri gets 88% of his patients out of pain in an average of 3 visits!

His goal is to make Richmond Pain Free!

“People in pain are very self-focused, because they want to be OUT of pain! Everyone I help is able to focus less on themself and more on others. And THAT will make Richmond, VA a better place!”

Dr. Capri is quickly becoming known as “The Pain Killer” around Richmond, VA. Dr. Capri gets 88%... Read More

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